Saturday, September 29, 2012

I love...

Sometimes you learn the most about yourself and other just by seeing a simple list of likes and dislikes. Today has been a bit of a rough day and so I'm going to give you a list of things I like. So here you go, I appologize if most of them revolve around things that go in your mouth and tickle your tummy.

1. I love the way brownies smell when they infiltrate every molecule of air in the house.
2. I love being in a wine club.
3. I love Pike Place Market and the Seattle area in general - really you can't go wrong with the pacific north west.
4. I love Louis C.K.
5. I love and appreciate honesty; whether good or bad I think news is best when it's true.
6. I love thanksgiving.
7. I love my family.
8. I love fall, mostly for the flavors but oh goodness, peacoats, leaves, apple picking and crisp air in your lungs all have a place in my heart as well.
9. I love music.
10. I love dancing.
11. I love learning.
12. I love good coffee in the morning
13. I love contrast.
14. I love endorphins.
15. I love a good night's sleep.
16. I love the sunrise.

Ah... the list goes on. More on that later.

Final thought: when life gives you hell for no reason there is only one solution:

Make sure to have them at night when you go to bed after said bad day and for breakfast when you wake up the next morning.

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